New Home Buyer Rebate Credit

New home buyer rebate in credits in Texas are extremely popular and save Texans a ton of money. Get a 2.5% buyer credit in addition builder incentives. Most builders have in-house or preferred lenders that offer substantial savings toward the buyer’s closing expenses. Apply the rebate credit toward costs such as, builder upgrade or appliances. However, most buyers want the cash back at closing.

Do The Math

Home Sales Price: $350,000

Buyer Rebate Credit 2.5%: $8,750

Texas Home Builders

Buyers To Do List

Gr8Day Realty works with all Texas New Home Builders websites that show current inventory of homes available for quick move ins. We have info on the builder’s availability and incentives being offered meaning our buyers always get the best value.

To take advantage of the 2.5% buyer rebate credit they must sign a Buyer’s Rep Agreement (BRA). The BRA puts the rebate credit offer in writing. Also, an Information About Broker Services (IABS) that must be initialed. The IABS explains what to expect from your Broker/Agent and how to file a complaint if needed.

Visit the homes in person and give the builder’s agent our information: Gr8Day Realty. We then contact the builder to start the paperwork process to manage the transaction. Our buyers get their 2.5% buyer rebate credit applied as desired.

When we close, buyers will see their 2.5% rebate credit applied on the final HUD (Closing Document) or they will receive a check when the sale has closed and funded. Funding the same day or very next business day.

In closing, get the most bang for the buck with Gr8Day Realty. Our Company is a leader in new home sales and buyer rebate credits. We have relationships with home builders. We work together with the builders to make the new home buying experience something wonderful to remember.