What We Do Videos

What We Do Is Save Texans A Ton Of Money
How Can We Save You Money?
What we do at Gr8Day Realty is explained in the following videos. First, our company is a full service real estate office. Meaning we sell homes, rent apartments and offer free CMAs to name a few. However, our specialty is new home sales and buyer rebates. With this in mind buyers get a 2.5% credit of the sales price which can be applied to cost associated with buying a home. Furthermore, these credits can be applied to closing cost or a builder upgrade or get the cash back. Additionally, our rebate offer is in addition to the builder's incentives. Finally, report your buying info and claim your rebate credit.
How It Works
First, our Buyers do the footwork themselves, this means that they visit the builders on their own. Secondly, once they find the home they want to buy they will give the builder our information. Accordingly, we in turn contact the builder to begin the process. Because of our reputation we work closely with the builders to ensure our buyers get their credit in addition to other incentives.
FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions
First, Can the rebate be applied to the down payment? No, because it comes out of the broker fee paid at closing. Another question, Is the rebate taxable? The rebate is like a coupon or considered a rate reduction, therefore, the answer is no. Further, we are asked, can I work with more than one agent and that is not allowed. We are able to offer such generous rebates especially because our buyers do the footwork and we do the paperwork.
Contact Us Today
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